Tom Brady and the New G.O.A.T.T.

Gisele Out And Tampa Too…

What happened to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers against the Carolina Panthers on October 23, 2022 is horrendous and if this does not signal to Tom Brady that it’s time to pack it up and ‘go-home’ then he is a foolish-foolish man.

THIS video says it all…

Mike Evans DROPS WIDE OPEN PASS… by Highlight Heaven

Can you imagine (if Tom waits much longer to re-retire) Tom Brady walking into his house and saying, ‘Hey Gisele, that football thing, yeah, it just didn’t work out, how about we try that marriage thing again.’

I don’t think Gisele is too wide open on taking football left-overs.

(Have you heard that Gisele has hired the same divorce lawyer that represented Tiger Woods? That has got to be blowing up in Mr. Brady’s mind.)

This was a really bad game and the next few games coming up are not going to be a walk in the park and Mr. Brady’s personal life is not getting much easier.

If the Tampa Bay Bucs don’t giddy-up in the next game or two, then I see Mr. Brady on his way back to retirement.

I am not ‘hating’ on Mr. Brady, but this is football, and he knows, if your not on the field to play the game… then go home. (WATCH VIDEO BELOW)

Tom Brady Screams at Offensive Line
Tom Brady Screams at Offensive Line… by Highlight Heaven

Only time will tell.
